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Kindness In A Box was founded in October 2006 by Lynda Burgman, a retired non-profit executive, after a trip to Peru to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.  While there she hiked through villages located in the District of Maras. Maras is located near ancient Inca salt pools. Many of the children of Maras spend most days working in the salt pools or farming along with their parents.  The lack of resources, the conditions in the villages and at the schools prompted Lynda to begin her humanitarian work. 

Upon her return to the United States, Lynda immediately began a humanitarian "box drive". She sent a box to every woman she knew and asked them to fill the box with new or gently used clothing, toys and school supplies. All boxes were to be mailed back to Lynda for shipment to Peru for the Christmas holidays.

Lynda's daughter, e-mailed the Oprah Winfrey Show regarding Lynda's "kindness box drive". A producer contacted Lynda inviting her to the "Oprah Winfrey Pay It Forward Show" which recognized her charitable work and the work of many others.                                                                                                         

In December 2006, over 2 tons of clothing, toys and school supplies were shipped to over 500 children in the villages of Maras. Corporations assisting  with the shipment included: FedEx, Mattel Toys, Arrow Cargo Airlines, Crown Packaging, Bank of Washington Missouri, Forest Labs, Hostway Corporation and Swissport-Peru. All of these corporations donated their time and talent to get the shipment up the Andes Mountains to Maras. 

Lynda Burgman, an avid outdoors woman, simply went to Peru to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu because it was on her list of life's ultimate outdoor experiences.  Little did she know that another "ultimate experience" was awaiting her.  Her spiritual journey and the story of Kindness In A Box can be found in her book "The Sand Dollar Cross" available on www.amazon.com